RootOne Voucher
The joy and adventure of a summer in Israel is more accessible than ever!
RootOne offers a $3,000 Voucher for Jewish teens who travel on a Yallah! Israel program in the summer of 2025.

Yallah! Israel is a proud partner and grantee of RootOne LLC. Seeded through a generous grant by The Marcus Foundation and powered by The Jewish Education Project, RootOne provides major subsidies for trip participants (called RootOne Vouchers) and collaborates with trip providers to maximize the educational impact of these experiences. Visit for more information.
A RootOne Voucher, valued at $3,000, will be provided for eligible applicants upon the successful completion of the prerequisites laid out in their application. Each Yallah! Israel registered family will receive a link to complete this application. Please note that if you are eligible for a RootOne Voucher, all funds will be transferred directly to your selected trip provider and utilized to reduce the cost of your trip by $3,000. Vouchers are limited and are not guaranteed.
Voucher Details
How do I apply for the Rootone voucher?
Applying for a voucher is as easy as (1) choosing your program, (2) signing up with Yallah! Israel, and (3) completing a Voucher application with RootOne. You will receive a unique link to the RootOne Voucher application once it’s available.
If I have previously received a RootOne travel voucher, am I eligible to apply again?
What are the eligibility Requirements?
Eligible voucher applicants are currently enrolled in 9th through 12th grade, are Jewish and are citizens of the United States or Canada. Voucher eligibility is not connected to financial need or merit. If you have previously received a RootOne voucher, you are not eligible to apply again. Eligibility rules are determined by RootOne. For more information, please visit their website.
Are there any obligations in return for the Voucher?
Voucher recipients must agree to complete 18 nekudot (points, equivalent to approximately 8-9 hours) in pre-summer engagement programming prior to your Yallah! Israel start date, as well as post-summer programming including a confidential survey. Teens will receive access to their RootOne education portal with the various options for completing their nekudot requirement in early 2025.
What types of pre-summer engagement programming will be available to complete the nekudot?
Participants will have an extensive menu of pre-trip educational programming to meet the nekudot requirement, including but not limited to:
- A virtual penpal program
- Asynchronous learning activities
- Synchronous learning activities
- In-person events, where applicable
Programs will be available for approved RootOne Voucher participants in the RootOne portal in early 2025.
When will I find out if I receive a voucher?
Once you are officially enrolled for a Yallah! Israel program you will receive a unique link to the RootOne Voucher application. Upon completion of the application, you will receive an automatic email from RootOne confirming your eligibility. Spam blockers may intercept your confirmation email from RootOne. To ensure you receive your RootOne Voucher eligibility confirmation email, please update your email settings to always allow emails from and Within 14 business days, the $3,000 Voucher will be posted to your account, at which time you will see it reflected in the Financial Management section in your CampInTouch account.
Will I still be eligible for need-based scholarships or other grants?
Yes, you may receive the $3,000 RootOne Voucher and still be eligible for other forms of scholarship from other funding sources.
Can I register now and change programs later?
Yes! Register for any Yallah! Israel program of your choice now to qualify for the Voucher. If you want to change programs, just email us to request to switch.
How are the $3,000 vouchers being funded?
The vouchers are funded by RootOne. RootOne is seeded through the generosity of The Marcus Foundation and is powered by The Jewish Education Project. Please visit for more information.