

The Pilgrimage to Poland

The Pilgrimage to Poland

By: David Solomon, Poland Head Supervisor Dear Parents, I write this early in the morning of Friday, June 23, while most (if not all) of the participants are sound asleep. With Shabbat coming in later today, and half the pilgrimage behind us, this is a good time to...

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By: Rabbi Loren Sykes, Director of Israel Immersives When August approaches in Israel, the temperatures rise and what was a mostly green landscape turns varying shades of brown. We are entering the hottest part of the summer when it is often over 90 degrees during the...

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Machaneh Etgar

Machaneh Etgar

By: Ben Markbreiter, MBI Today concluded a multi-day seminar on MBI called Machaneh Etgar. This is a very meaningful seminar on MBI as it helped in preparing our chanichimot to come back to their machanot as leaders. The main goal of Machaneh Etgar is to give...

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My Experience

My Experience

By: Molly Cohen, Bus 10 This trip has truly been one of a kind. I am extremely grateful that I was able to travel around and to Israel with my camp friends and people I've known my entire life. Even though the desert brought its challenges at the end of the day it was...

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This summer we look forward to welcoming hundreds of teens to Israel on our programs and to providing them with a wonderful summer adventure full of fun, friendship and personal discovery.


This summer in Jerusalem!