The Start of Something New

By Stella Smith, Bus 8 Participant

In past years at Camp Harlam, many of us have found a comfortable and familiar home to return to each year. For most of us, camp is our personal, sacred place for a short 3.5 weeks, and we look forward to returning each year to familiar people, places, and experiences. Coming to Israel, I felt vulnerable and worried for a few reasons. I was leaving the continent for the first time, I would be living out of a duffel and I’m not an organized person, and most of all, I would be surrounded by people from both sessions, meaning I wouldn’t know half the people I would be traveling the world with. This worry of not fitting in was omnipresent before the summer began. Little did I know that my biggest fear coming into this trip would bring me the greatest rewards.

Creating relationships and making friends is an innate part of being human because who wants to be alone when you can be surrounded by others? The task of making new friends felt daunting because I thought there were so many things people would not like about me. Now 13 days into the trip, I learned that making friends is natural and inevitable in an environment as welcoming as the one I am a part of. Just two weeks ago, I was at the Philly airport, trying to branch out by timidly hugging each new person I met and shyly introducing myself. Two weeks later, I feel that I can go up to any person on this trip for anything. I am rooming with some of the girls who I was scared to introduce myself to just a few days ago, and we are already best friends and closer than I ever expected to be with them. When I hug them now, I don’t worry about what they will think of me or if they will like me, I think of how lucky I am to have these friends. These friendships that were formed in a matter of weeks will last a lifetime, and I have only NFTY in Israel to thank for this incredible experience. Even though Harlam has been my home away from home for as long as I can remember, I now strongly believe I can add Israel to the short list of places that truly have my heart.

Two Simple Words

Two Simple Words

By Erica Barish, former Assistant Director of Yallah! Israel                                                                                                     ***We are resharing this blog from the past, written by former Assistant Director Erica Barish. Emphasizing...

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Being Active in a Time of War

Being Active in a Time of War

By: Judy Goldstein, Associate Director of Camper Care One of the big questions (with answers) we have these days in Israeli society is how to maximize our personal and social resilience during this time of our “emergency routine” here in Israel. If you come to Israel...

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Why You Should Go On Yallah! Israel

Why You Should Go On Yallah! Israel

We are re-sharing this blog post written by Sarah Silver from the summer of 2019 about her experience on Yallah! Israel. We’re sharing her blog based on our firm belief that Sarah's reflections remain timeless and relevant. In these uncertain times, the importance of...

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Reflections from the Northern Negev

Reflections from the Northern Negev

By: Ariel Fogelman, Director Israel Programs and Operations On the early morning of February 8th, the Yallah! Israel staff embarked on a journey South to the Northern Negev. The purpose of our trip was to explore educational aspects as we engage with this region,...

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