Make the Most of What’s Left

By Ian Donahue, NFTY in Israel Participant, Bus 6

So Israel’s almost done.

I want to cry and be sad, but part of me doesn’t feel that way. When I think of home some piece of me, a piece I don’t want to admit, is happy. I love many things about NYC and I don’t feel wrong to miss it, but I don’t want to. I would stay with the Eisner people here until the end of time, creating new stories and memories each and every day, but I know that can’t happen.

I know that on the 29th we’re all going to be at JFK tired and sad, some still having more flights to go on. That day we’ll be back in America, continents away from where we once were. We will be away from the place where memories were made, friendships were strengthened and where the fun didn’t end.

Times on this trip I think of camp and I think how nice it would be to be back, chilling on the hill, looking at the stars and writing in my journal. Everything we do here, in one way or another, reminds me of camp. What doesn’t? Wouldn’t anything remind you of the most epic summer ever (™)?

But we’re not at camp, we’re in Israel and we’re still here for a couple more days.

Don’t let the limited time left here negate all the fun we’ve had and make you sad for the rest of the time left we have. Think of the good memories we still have yet to make and the fun activities we still have left to do. We need to be happy we’re all here, no matter if anything or anyone bothers you. Make the most out of the time we have left and let no one stop you.

We got two days left, let’s make it count.