7 Reasons to Travel to Israel

By Morgan Gitlitz, Sci-Tech Israel Participant, Bus 12

  1. There are so many places to visit, both historical, informational and beautiful.

  2. You can travel with a group and make memories with friends from all different backgrounds

  3. There is REALLY good food to try all over! (my favorite is shawarma)

  4. There are many very talented artists and so many pieces of artwork to admire and purchase 🙂

  5. If you’re an animal lover, there are cats and dogs EVERYWHERE!!!!

  6. This amazing coffee place, Aroma IS AMAZING YOU NEED TO TRY IT (iced coffee and ice cream is to die for)!

  7. I don’t think there is anything more beautiful than the sunrise over Masada, and even better is spending it with the people you love ❤