B’nei Mitzvah Certificates
B’nei Mitzvah Certificates now worth $3,250!

Give Your B’nei Mitzvah the Gift of Israel Travel
For generations, Reform Jewish teens have traveled to Israel for a summer of deep, meaningful engagement with Jewish history and peoplehood. As our gift to the thousands of young teenagers joining Jewish adulthood each year, Yallah! Israel (formerly known as NFTY in Israel), thanks to a generous commitment to RootOne LLC (seeded by The Marcus Foundation and powered by The Jewish Education Project), provides a $3,250 certificate for congregations to distribute to your b’nei mitzvah teens on the bimah, affirming the formative role of an Israel travel experience in each teen’s Jewish journey.
The information you provide us in order to generate the certificate enables us to reach out to families about the opportunity to attend Yallah! Israel and remind them that they may redeem their certificate toward any of our summer high school programs in Israel when their teen becomes age-eligible in 10th grade.
Online Certificate Generator Instructions
Generate a Custom Certificate
Fill out and submit the form below. The form is two pages: the second page allows review of the information for accuracy before submitting. Upon submission, our certificate generator will email you a customized certificate in PDF form, containing the details you provided on the form. We encourage you to print the generated certificate on cardstock to hand to your b’nei mitzvah student during their ceremony. Each certificate includes a unique validation code, which must be generated by this form in order for the certificate to be valid.
Generating Multiple Certificates
Upon submission of the form, a confirmation page will load, which includes two links for you to access the form with your congregation’s name and your contact information pre-filled. One link will pre-fill the name of the officiating clergy, and one link will leave the officiating clergy blank. You may use either or both links per your congregation’s needs. We also encourage you to bookmark these links for easy access to the form with your congregation information pre-filled in the future. You may bookmark multiple clergy-specific links for each member of your clergy who officiates b’nei mitzvah ceremonies.
Ensuring Receipt of the Certificate
Spam blockers may intercept the email containing the certificate. To ensure you receive each requested certificate, please update your email settings to always allow emails from noreply@fs28.formsite.com, the certificate generator’s email address.
Collection of Personal Information
This form collects basic personal information about the b’nei mitzvah student’s family in order for us to help congregations ensure member families are aware of the opportunities for teens to engage in formative experiences sponsored by the URJ. We will only contact families for the purpose of sharing age-appropriate information about Yallah! Israel and related programs. Families may opt-out of these communications at any time.
For questions about these certificates, please contact our office at yallahisrael@urj.org or 212-452-6517.
Please note that these certificates may only be redeemed toward tuition for Yallah! Israel and may not be credited toward another URJ Youth Program or Camp. The certificates may not be redeemed for an Israel program run by an organization other than the URJ.
If you are a teen or parent of a teen who has received a certificate and you need additional information about how to use the certificate, please email yallahisrael@urj.org.