by ischear | Nov 1, 2018 | Uncategorized
By Rabbi Reuven Greenvald, Director of Israel Engagement, URJ Israel engagement for young people, like every aspect of Jewish engagement, requires each new generation to make it their own. Although we sometimes talk about Israel’s complexity as one of the most...
by ischear | Oct 25, 2018 | Uncategorized
By Rabbi David Wilfond, Director of Education It is October in Jerusalem, the weather is beautiful, and we are now completing the itineraries for our fun packed and educationally enriching Israel adventures for NFTY in Israel Summer 2019. The educational aspect of the...
by ischear | Oct 16, 2018 | Uncategorized
By Alexa Broida, Director of URJ Mitzvah Corps Who You! And other cool people! You’ll be traveling with peers from around the country who are as passionate about making a positive change in the world as you are. And to make it even better, at every stop along the way,...
by ischear | Oct 2, 2018 | Uncategorized
By Rabbi Rich Kirschen, Director of NFTY in Israel This past Sunday marked the last day of Sukkot. There are few holidays in Israel that are as powerful as Sukkot, a holiday that makes you feel as though you are living in the Torah. In Israel, Sukkot is not just a two...
by ischear | Sep 25, 2018 | Uncategorized
By Dan Lange, Director, URJ Youth Programs With summer officially over as of this past Saturday, we are already thinking about Summer 2019! In just nine short months, our first groups will be departing on flights across the Atlantic to begin their epic journeys into...
by ischear | Sep 18, 2018 | Uncategorized
By Dan Garwood, North American Coordinator Make your own cheese Fresh, unripened cheeses are a staple of Israeli diets, so it’s no wonder they make it into an Israeli break fast! Plus it’s light, tasty, and makes a great alternative to cream cheese on that...