The 8 Miracles of NFTY in Israel

The 8 Miracles of NFTY in Israel

Hanukkah is here and, in the spirit of the season, we’re excited to share eight moments that will make your NFTY in Israel trip this summer as miraculous as that little jar of oil lasting for all eight nights! Of course, like the Hanukkah oil, there is so much...
Hanukkah and Hinuch (Jewish Education)

Hanukkah and Hinuch (Jewish Education)

By Rabbi David Wilfond, Director of Education It is winter now in Jerusalem and we are just a few days away from Hanukkah. Hanukkah was born in Jerusalem. It was a victory celebration of a minority people whose culture had been outlawed by the tyranny of the majority....
The Ultimate Throwback Thursday (TBT)

The Ultimate Throwback Thursday (TBT)

By Ilana Schear, Registrar and Communications Coordinator NFTY in Israel has been leading trips to Israel since 1958. With an alumni database of nearly 30,000 teens, we have an extensive collection of photos taken over the last 60 years. For a classic TBT post, here...