by ischear | Jun 18, 2018 | Uncategorized
Hello from orientation! We are so excited to greet you at the airport when you land in just 2 days!
by ischear | May 23, 2018 | Uncategorized
By Dan Garwood, NFTY in Israel North American Coordinator Our first buses leave for Israel in less than 4 weeks! This means we’re about to facilitate 470 teens transferring through our various gateway airports on their way to Israel or Europe. Fortunately, they’re...
by ischear | May 17, 2018 | Uncategorized
By Rachel Landman, 6 Points Sci-Tech Israel Project Manager It’s hard to believe that almost a decade ago I was buying a suitcase, packing my hats and water bottles, and preparing to embark on my NFTY in Israel journey as a 16-year-old Crane Lake camper. I remember...
by ischear | May 9, 2018 | Uncategorized
By Dan Lange, Director of Youth Programs As we make the final preparations for your summer of a lifetime on NFTY in Israel, I found myself going down the rabbit hole, reading old blog posts from participants highlighting their journeys through Israel in years’ past. I...
by ischear | May 3, 2018 | Uncategorized
By Rabbi Rich Kirschen, Director of NFTY in Israel Over my many years at NFTY in Israel, one of my most inspiring experiences was picking up a young man named Max at the airport. He had come late to the Israel trip and needed to be driven down to meet his group while...
by ischear | Apr 19, 2018 | Uncategorized
By Dan Lange, Director, URJ Youth Programs Yom Ha’atzmaut represents a day of celebration in Israel – celebration of the founding of the modern Jewish homeland. In the days leading up to it, it is amazing to see the country transform to demonstrate the pride felt by...