What to Expect at the Airport

By Dan Garwood, NFTY in Israel North American Coordinator  Our first buses leave for Israel in less than 4 weeks! This means we’re about to facilitate 470 teens transferring through our various gateway airports on their way to Israel or Europe. Fortunately, they’re...
A Life Changing Adventure is Just a Few Weeks Away

A Life Changing Adventure is Just a Few Weeks Away

By Dan Lange, Director of Youth Programs As we make the final preparations for your summer of a lifetime on NFTY in Israel, I found myself going down the rabbit hole, reading old blog posts from participants highlighting their journeys through Israel in years’ past. I...
Seeing Israel Through the Eyes of Max

Seeing Israel Through the Eyes of Max

By Rabbi Rich Kirschen, Director of NFTY in Israel Over my many years at NFTY in Israel, one of my most inspiring experiences was picking up a young man named Max at the airport.  He had come late to the Israel trip and needed to be driven down to meet his group while...
Yom Ha’atzmaut Means the Summer is Almost Here!

Yom Ha’atzmaut Means the Summer is Almost Here!

By Dan Lange, Director, URJ Youth Programs Yom Ha’atzmaut represents a day of celebration in Israel – celebration of the founding of the modern Jewish homeland. In the days leading up to it, it is amazing to see the country transform to demonstrate the pride felt by...