How I Went from Participant to Professional

How I Went from Participant to Professional

By Ilana Schear, Registrar and Communications Coordinator Another successful NFTY in Israel summer has come to an end. With Facebook memories and Timehop, I can’t help but to reflect on my own NFTY in Israel experience eight years ago in the summer of 2010. While I...
A Look Back on Week 3 for Bus 2

A Look Back on Week 3 for Bus 2

By Sarah Naveh, NFTY in Israel Participant, Bus 2 After 4 tiring days of Chavayot, Bus 2 finally arrived at Kibbutz Hukuk (Hakuk Balev). We got our room assignments, and since we were able to request roommates, most people were very happy. The kibbutz has a playground...