

The Pilgrimage to Poland – July 7th

The Pilgrimage to Poland – July 7th

Dear Parents, I write this early on the morning of Friday, July 7, while most (if not all) of the participants are sound asleep. With Shabbat coming in later today, and more than half the pilgrimage behind us, this is a good time to look back at what we have done and...

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Bus 7 in the Desert!

Bus 7 in the Desert!

By: Lizzie Appelbaum, Bus 7 We have spent the first week in Israel discovering the wonders of the desert and starting to explore Jerusalem. We slept in the desert and all bonded through the experience and saw some incredible views! My favorite was a lookout where we...

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Blog from Mack Cooley Camp Gilboa

Blog from Mack Cooley Camp Gilboa

By: Mack Cooley Bus 19 From machaneh Gilboa in Big Bear California! Todays my third full day on MBI. I’ve met a lot of new people from all different Habonim camps. It’s so interesting learning how all the different camps do Habo differently. I’ve also had lots of fun...

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Sci Tech in the Negev!

Sci Tech in the Negev!

Shalom from beautiful Israel! So far we have been enjoying our stay in the Negev desert- the southern portion of Israel. Our first stop was in Sde Boker, where we visited Be'er Sheva, Yeruham, and Mitzpe Ramon. Some highlights include creating Moroccan art, visiting...

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This summer we look forward to welcoming hundreds of teens to Israel on our programs and to providing them with a wonderful summer adventure full of fun, friendship and personal discovery.


This summer in Jerusalem!