

Food Review from Shuk HaCarmel in Tel Aviv

Food Review from Shuk HaCarmel in Tel Aviv

By: Eitan Polanco (Machaneh Moshava) And now a food review from the Shuk HaCarmel in Tel-Aviv: “Honestly that was such a unique and enriching experience. I passed plenty of jewelers, markets, restaurants and more as I made my way down the endless strip. Seeing so many...

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Why Poland? By Charlie Getman

Why Poland? By Charlie Getman

By: Charlie Getman- Bus 12 Throughout our entire week in Poland one question has haunted me: Why? The question rattled around my brain, challenging me. I wondered why I was spending a week before Israel in Poland. I knew that it was important, but no one was able to...

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Having the best time with Bus 6!

Having the best time with Bus 6!

By: Leah Quintero Bus 6 To say the first week of our trip was an eventful one is an understatement. Since we spent our first full day last Tuesday sightseeing around Mitzpeh Ramon it has been a nonstop week of days doing things I never would have imagined myself doing...

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Shabbat Shalom: A Week of Inspiration

Shabbat Shalom: A Week of Inspiration

Dear Yallah! Israel Families, As we prepare for Shabbat in Israel, we reflect on a week full of inspired learning, religious landmarks, sweeping desert landscapes, and new sights, sounds, and smells of Israel’s ancient cities. This past week, some highlights from our...

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A Week of Beginnings

A Week of Beginnings

Dear Crane Lake and Eisner Yallah! Israel Families, As we approach Shabbat after your teens’ first few days in Israel, we wanted to share some reflections. The transition from Poland to Israel has allowed us to appreciate the miracle of life and both individual and...

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This summer we look forward to welcoming hundreds of teens to Israel on our programs and to providing them with a wonderful summer adventure full of fun, friendship and personal discovery.


This summer in Jerusalem!