

A Step-by-Step Guide for Departure Day

A Step-by-Step Guide for Departure Day

Our first buses leave for Israel in less than 4 weeks! This means we’re about to facilitate 470 teens transferring through our various gateway airports on their way to Israel or Europe. Fortunately, they’re not all traveling on the same day!

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The Language of LGBTQ Pride in Israel

The Language of LGBTQ Pride in Israel

By Rabbi Reuven Greenvald, Director of Israel Engagement LGBTQ Pride marches began as a way to continue the struggles and victories symbolized by the June 28, 1969 Stonewall Riots in New York City. Annually, on various dates mostly in June, LGBTQ communities organize...

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Tangible Memories: The NFTY in Israel Travel Journal

Tangible Memories: The NFTY in Israel Travel Journal

By Dan Garwood, North American Coordinator If you asked me what I’m most excited for this summer, one of my answers would be the incredibly creative ways that participants will use the NFTY in Israel Travel Journal! We’ve mailed a copy of the Travel Journal to every...

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Ready for Summer 2019? Here’s how to follow along the journey

Welcome families! This summer, your teen will embark on the journey of a lifetime with NFTY in Israel! Our team, in New York and Israel are working tirelessly to prepare for another amazing summer! As you prepare for the departure of your teen, we want to take a moment to share with you how you can stay in touch and share in their experience this summer.

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5 Ways to Observe Yom HaZikaron Outside Israel

5 Ways to Observe Yom HaZikaron Outside Israel

By Kate Bigam Yom HaZikaron, Israel’s Memorial Day, is a deeply somber time in the State of Israel. Writes an American Reform cantor who took her sabbatical in Israel, In Israel, it's personal. There is nothing remote or symbolic about Yom HaZikaron for Israelis. It...

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Bearing Witness Today: Delayed Grief and Yom HaZikaron

Bearing Witness Today: Delayed Grief and Yom HaZikaron

By Rabbi Seth L. Bernstein, D. MIN. Of all the curiosities surrounding the Jewish calendar, I continue to be startled by the fact that only during these Omer days – between Passover and Shavuot – do Jews have back-to-back commemorations of sadness. Soon after...

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10 Ways Jewish Israelis Will Celebrate Yom HaAtzmaut This Year

10 Ways Jewish Israelis Will Celebrate Yom HaAtzmaut This Year

By Nadav Savaia Because Yom HaZikaron (Israeli Memorial Day) and Yom HaAtzmaut (Israeli Independence Day) fall back to back on the Hebrew calendar, Independence Day festivities begin almost immediately after the mourning and solemnities of Memorial Day. As Memorial...

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This summer we look forward to welcoming hundreds of teens to Israel on our programs and to providing them with a wonderful summer adventure full of fun, friendship and personal discovery.


This summer in Jerusalem!