Why I Chose Gadna By Wellington Rothschild Why did I pick Gadna? A question that gets asked a lot. For me, I come from a military family. The clocks in my home back in Colorado all run on military time, and my father frequently uses military codes for instruction. The...
By Camille Trawick, Bus 5 Participant When I think agriculture, I think Nebraska or Kansas. The Czech Republic had never come to mind. It’s the bread basket of Europe. It reminded me of home and the wheat fields of Texas. However, many things in Prague were very...
By Yaniv Rosner Wachs, Bus 5 Staff As we enter Shabbat, I took a moment to reflect on the past week and all of the things that we, the staff and chanichim, did in this intense time in Europe. We came here in order to learn and understand the life of the Jewish...
By Eliana Gertler, Bus 3 Participant When I first came to Israel it felt like a whole new chapter in my life. I was able to see the palm trees, feel the warm breeze, and it made me feel special, like I was home away from home. I already started to get to know the...
This summer we look forward to welcoming hundreds of teens to Israel on our programs and to providing them with a wonderful summer adventure full of fun, friendship and personal discovery.