

My Experiences Through Mitzvah Corps Israel

My Experiences Through Mitzvah Corps Israel

By Max Holzer, Bus 10 Participant The 2019 Mitzvah Corps Israel trip was amazing. We learned so much about the culture here, the variety in the population, about ourselves, and got to see awesome sights and try new foods. We went to eat lunch in a Druze house where we...

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The End of Sea to Sea!

The End of Sea to Sea!

On the last day of Sea to Sea our teens got to end their journey with a relaxing cool off in the Mediterranean Sea!

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Why You Should Go On NFTY in Israel

Why You Should Go On NFTY in Israel

By Sarah Silver, Bus 2 Participant Throughout the year as the Israel trip steadily crept closer and more people began asking me about my summer plans, I found that I kept answering the same question: why are you going to Israel for an entire month? Each time I simply...

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The People of Sci-Tech Israel

The People of Sci-Tech Israel

By Elena Crowell and Russell Kramer, Bus 11 Participants There have been many memorable experiences over the last three weeks. One thing that I will truly miss is the people, the people on the Sci-Tech Israel trip that I became friends with, the counselors who helped...

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This summer we look forward to welcoming hundreds of teens to Israel on our programs and to providing them with a wonderful summer adventure full of fun, friendship and personal discovery.


This summer in Jerusalem!