

Forever Changed

Forever Changed

By Rudy Brandt, Bus 8 Staff Teary-eyed and Teva-tanned I walked away from my kids at the Newark Airport after a 12 hour flight back to the U.S. from Israel and an absolutely amazing summer. Before I let myself walk away, I looked at each one of them hugging each...

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One Last Shabbat Together

One Last Shabbat Together

Buses 6, 7, 8, and 9 celebrated their last Shabbat in Israel all together! Here's video of these teens from our Eisner Camp, Crane Lake Camp, Camp Harlam, and North American communities singing Hinei Ma Tov - how good it is that we can be together!

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Reflections on Our Jewish Journey and the Choices Ahead

Reflections on Our Jewish Journey and the Choices Ahead

By Rabbi Rich Kirschen, Director Now that the NFTY in Israel journey is about to end, another journey is soon beginning. Once your teens have rested and have had a chance to catch up with the family and friends they missed over the summer, it will be well worth your...

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Reflections on Our Jewish Journey and the Choices Ahead

Reflections on Our Jewish Journey and the Choices Ahead

By Rabbi Rich Kirschen, Director Now that the NFTY in Israel journey has ended, another journey is beginning. Once your teens have rested and have had a chance to catch up with the family and friends they missed over the summer, it will be well worth your while to...

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Big and Small Moments

Big and Small Moments

By Anna Levy, Bus 2 Participant For the last few years of my life, I’ve been anticipating my Israel trip. Seeing older campers come back from their trip and rave about how wonderful it was just made me more excited. When this year finally came, looking forward to...

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This summer we look forward to welcoming hundreds of teens to Israel on our programs and to providing them with a wonderful summer adventure full of fun, friendship and personal discovery.


This summer in Jerusalem!