By Samantha Pearlman, Bus 24 Staff After a long and exciting arrival process, we slowed down and rested at Kfar Yarok, a youth village where peacocks and rabbits roam and where tractors line the walkway. The energy of this place is so special and unique - we could...
We made it! The last few days in Israel have been one of a kind and the fun has just begun. After our isolation period, our group was welcomed to Israel with the Sabbath. The ice breakers had us dancing and playing games that created lots of laughs while building our...
By Rabbi Loren Sykes, Director of Israel Immersives Among the many themes in this week’s Torah portion, Pinhas, one stands out in how it speaks directly to the experience of our NFTY in Israel groups this week: The tale of the daughters of Zelophehad. The story goes...
By Annie Lohr, Bus 1 Staff The last 4 days and nights we ventured to the south to feel the true, Israeli heat! On Sunday afternoon, we started our journey to the desert. First, we stopped at the Dead Sea - the lowest point in the world - to cool off before the we...
By Talia Levin, Bus 5 Staff It’s been only a week, but it feels like we’ve been adventuring together for years. Since arriving in Israel, we have all bonded over shawarma, long hikes, stargazing and floating in the Dead Sea. We started our adventure with a tour of...
By Mira Brynjegard-Bialik, Bus 3 Staff Only two days into our NFTY in Israel trip, and we’re already starting Shabbat! It hard to believe it’s been less than 72 hours since all of the campers arrived in Israel—we’ve already been to an archaeological dig, the Western...
This summer we look forward to welcoming hundreds of teens to Israel on our programs and to providing them with a wonderful summer adventure full of fun, friendship and personal discovery.