

Creative Writing Circles

Creative Writing Circles

During hugim time, small groups sat on the grass in circles and took big deep breaths. With a pen in hand, they wrote poems together, one line at a time, but in an especially creative way. Someone would write a line and then pass the paper to the right for the next...

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Thoughts of a Madrich

Thoughts of a Madrich

July 6, 2021 I am impressed with the maturity of the chanichimot and very proud of the connections that they have been able to make. I love how comfortable they feel around me, especially when they ask to speak to me privately. My favorite thing to say to a chanich/a...

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A Day in Tzfat

A Day in Tzfat

July 6, 2021 By Chaya Nemiccolo We went to an outlook of the border of Syria and Lebanon this morning. Then we visited a hospital where we learned about an operation called “Good Neighbor,” that took in Syrian casualties (soldiers and people injured from the civil...

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The Mitzvah Peacocks

The Mitzvah Peacocks

July 3, 2021 Today was yet another thrilling day for Bus 25, or as we now call ourselves, the Mitzvah Peacocks. We began the day with an optional rolling breakfast, so the participants were able to get some much needed rest. We then engaged in small group discussions...

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Bus 25 First Shabbat in Israel!

Bus 25 First Shabbat in Israel!

July 2, 2021 Today was a very exciting day for Bus 25! We started the day with a delicious kibbutz breakfast and proceeded to have a brief orientation where the participants learned some ground rules. After this, the participants engaged in some exciting ice breakers...

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This is just the beginning!

This is just the beginning!

By Samantha Pearlman, Bus 24 Staff After a long and exciting arrival process, we slowed down and rested at Kfar Yarok, a youth village where peacocks and rabbits roam and where tractors line the walkway. The energy of this place is so special and unique - we could...

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We Are Sci-Tech Israel

We Are Sci-Tech Israel

We made it! The last few days in Israel have been one of a kind and the fun has just begun. After our isolation period, our group was welcomed to Israel with the Sabbath. The ice breakers had us dancing and playing games that created lots of laughs while building our...

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Developing Relationships with the Land of Israel

Developing Relationships with the Land of Israel

By Rabbi Loren Sykes, Director of Israel Immersives Among the many themes in this week’s Torah portion, Pinhas, one stands out in how it speaks directly to the experience of our NFTY in Israel groups this week: The tale of the daughters of Zelophehad. The story goes...

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This summer we look forward to welcoming hundreds of teens to Israel on our programs and to providing them with a wonderful summer adventure full of fun, friendship and personal discovery.


This summer in Jerusalem!