

Kotel Tales

Kotel Tales

By Loren Sykes, Director of Israel Immersives I have visited the Kotel HaMa’aravi – The Western Wall – more often in the past two weeks than I have in the past four years. One day this week, groups of NFTY in Israel teens saw two very different faces of the kinds of...

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A Mix of Familiar and New in a Distant Land

A Mix of Familiar and New in a Distant Land

By Eliana Goldwasser The first morning I woke up in Israel, it was loud. My roommates and I blinked awake to the sound of our counselors blasting music from a speaker in the hallway. I could hear them dancing around as I stumbled out of bed, bleary with jet lag.  When...

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New Friends

New Friends

Ellie: I was really excited to meet the Israelis. Honestly, I was worried they would be really judgmental and speak little-to-no english so communication would be hard. However, now that I met them I think they are all really nice and more friendly than most people I...

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River Rafting with Bus 4

River Rafting with Bus 4

By Eli Ortiz and Levi Paskett After a surprisingly delicious meal of hand crafted pizzas, we embarked on our journey to the Jordan River. The bus ride was a new experience. It was run-down, reeked of mold and there was asbestos on the walls; it reminded us to be...

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This summer we look forward to welcoming hundreds of teens to Israel on our programs and to providing them with a wonderful summer adventure full of fun, friendship and personal discovery.


This summer in Jerusalem!