

Blessings and Curses and What is in Between

Blessings and Curses and What is in Between

By Rabbi Loren Sykes, Director of Israel Immersives The itinerary for the last week of NFTY in Israel trips focuses on Medinat Yisrael, the modern State of Israel. During this part of the trip, teens… Take a graffiti tour of Tel Aviv. Explore the Peres Center for...

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Feeling Welcome in the Jewish Homeland

Feeling Welcome in the Jewish Homeland

By Alexa Coultoff, Bus 14 Being 6600 miles away or more from our homes in the United States, it’s been incredible to find familiarity in Jewish traditions here in Israel. For example, this week we traveled to the holy city of Tzfat in the North of Israel. Stepping off...

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Bus 17: Here Comes the Sun

Bus 17: Here Comes the Sun

By Dayna Pinsky “Welcome to Maaaaasada” our fearless leader/dad/grandpa/magician/professional bongo player, Ofek, said excitedly over the loud speaker of our bus. For the past two or three days before the hike, the joke of ‘maaaaaasada’ was circling around bus 17,...

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Contemplating the End of Summer

Contemplating the End of Summer

By Corey Rudman, Bus 18 Hello to all. My name is Corey Rudman. In contemplating what to write for this very blog post that you, the parents, are currently reading, I had a variety of options to choose from; I could've written about the past week in a basic format,...

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The Beautiful Land of Israel

The Beautiful Land of Israel

By Rabbi Loren Sykes, Director of Israel Immersives This week, I visited our teens in Northern Israel while they were at the Sea of Galilee, the Kinneret. It was a typical hot, humid summer day in Israel, making the cool waters of the Kinneret even more attractive for...

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Masada and the Negev with Bus 18

Masada and the Negev with Bus 18

Written by Alexandra Grushkin and edited by Ilan Louie-Cohen Today we were awoken by our counselors at 3:30AM after a night in the Bedouin tents. Getting out of our sleeping bags was difficult, but excitement was an excellent motivator. We were going to climb up...

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Sleeping in the Desert

Sleeping in the Desert

By Hudson Prunier, Bus 17 One of the worst yet most peaceful experiences one could have is sleeping in the desert. The desperate effort to find the perfect spot with no big or jagged rocks underneath just to finally lay down and feel a sharp pain in your lower back....

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This summer we look forward to welcoming hundreds of teens to Israel on our programs and to providing them with a wonderful summer adventure full of fun, friendship and personal discovery.


This summer in Jerusalem!