By Ben Markbreiter, Habonim Dror, MBI Shabbat Shalom MBI Families, I want to take this blog post to tell you all about a very special event that happens every MBI: Yom Habo. As many of you might know, Habonim Dror is not just based in North America. There are Habonim...
By: Rabbi Loren Sykes Director of Israel Immersives This week’s Torah portion in Israel, Parshat Pinhas, is chock full of interesting issues ranging from the Jewish calendar to the extremism, from explanations about why the Levites do not get a land inheritance at all...
By: Brandon Popper, Bus 11 My name is Brandon Popper and I’m going to be reflecting on my experiences in Israel! The first week was very eventful for me. We were first met by our counselors in Tel Aviv and then descended south for our desert adventures. The desert was...
Shalom MBI Families, We’ve had a very eventful last week of MBI! Let me take you back through all that the MBI-ers have done since Friday. On Friday, the MBI-ers woke up bright and early to hike up Masada. It was a 20 minute bus ride from the Bedouin tents to Masada...
Chavaya! After two amazing weeks together as a group, the special day has arrived… It’s time, time to split from your bus friends, time to experience something new and exciting of your choice, it’s time for a new experience, it’s time for Chavaya! (חוויה) This Sunday...
This summer we look forward to welcoming hundreds of teens to Israel on our programs and to providing them with a wonderful summer adventure full of fun, friendship and personal discovery.