Reflecting on my experience thus far

By: Brandon Popper, Bus 11

My name is Brandon Popper and I’m going to be reflecting on my experiences in Israel! The first week was very eventful for me. We were first met by our counselors in Tel Aviv and then descended south for our desert adventures. The desert was fun new experience and was challenging at times. Waking up early, lots of hiking and spending long days in the desert were some of the challenges I faced. It was hard at first to jump right into the desert experiences after just landing in Israel, but we all came together in the end for a great Shabbat!

Now, after 2 weeks in Israel, I feel more connected to this country. Learning about the Jewish history and visiting cool places are some of my highlights of the trip! The language barrier is challenging, having to ask my counselors for help while ordering meals. The language barrier was hard for me because there have been many times, I have struggled to communicate my feelings and my thoughts due to the confusion the language barrier creates. I haven’t always been able to get around the barrier which at times can be frustrating, but I have figured out solutions that allow me to communicate. I have come to very much enjoy the place I call home, Israel!