Prague to Poland Transition

by Rachel Lischin, Bus 9 Participant   

The beginning of a five-week trip full of teenagers who have never met one another, as imaginable, can be a bit scary.  It turned out alright though, as I think the jet lag and exasperation was a bonding point for all of us. After a good night of sleep and then a long day of sightseeing, we all felt much closer than before. 

However, on the drive out of the Czech Republic, I realized that the shift from group-bonding games and beautiful views on top of the hills of Prague to visiting ghettos, death camps, and memorials in Poland was going to be a difficult one. Some long talks about the realities of the Holocaust and one viewing of Schindler’s List later, I finally felt ready for the emotional toll that visiting camps would take on me.

I am so glad to be a part of this group of new friends that I’ve made over the past few days and I am positive that they will help me get through the tough subjects that we will cover over the next couple of days.