Sea to Sea with Bus 3

By Mya Levin, NFTY in Israel Participant, Bus 3

Hi, my name is Mya Levin and for my chavaya I chose Yam l’ Yam, also known as Sea to Sea, which is a four day hiking trip from the Sea of Galilee to the Mediterranean. We literally jumped right in! We took a very exciting stroll through a Nile, and by through, I mean we were legitimately inside of the water. Some of us even dunked our heads, which was the most refreshing feeling we felt in a long time. Immediately after, we arrived at a very cute campsite, where we were joined by other NFTY in Israel members, who weren’t even a part of our bus. Blasting old town country music, I felt the urge to invite everyone to dance. I could already tell that this was going to be an amazing group of people and an amazing experience just by the first few hours we spent together. After downing some awesome veggie soup, and truly believing that was going to be our dinner for the night, we were blessed with a massive feast. With overly salted potatoes, incredible rice, and mysterious meat patties, both Bus 3 and Bus 4 got a chance to immediately bond with one another. I was so proud to be a part of something that hadn’t even truly begun. I knew no matter what happened, the experiences we’d face on our journey together would last a lifetime.

The Hope “HaTikvah” is Freedom

The Hope “HaTikvah” is Freedom

By: Ariel Fogelman, Director of Yallah! Israel For three thousand years the story of Passover has been a story of hope. In the book of Exodus chapter 12, all the details of the holiday are given. The people of Israel are still slaves and cannot celebrate anything in...

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Notes from Rabbi Erin Mason

Notes from Rabbi Erin Mason

We are re-sharing this blog post written by Rabbi Erin Mason, Director of URJ Greene Family Camp, who recently traveled on FJC’s (Federation for Jewish Camp) Camp Professionals Israel Mission.   In mid-February, I participated in a mission with the Foundation for...

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Three Months I Will Never Forget

Three Months I Will Never Forget

By: Alyssa Kruman, Summer 2023 Madricha, Camp Harlam Bus 15 Summer 2023 was three months that I will never forget. There was nothing more rewarding than being by the side of Jewish teens experiencing the most special place for the first time. Each day brought new...

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Reflections from my trip to Israel

Reflections from my trip to Israel

We are re-sharing this blog post written by Rabbi Ilana Mills, Director of URJ Camp Kalsman, who recently traveled on FJC's (Federation for Jewish Camp) Camp Professionals Israel Mission. By: Rabbi Ilana Mills, Camp Kalsman Director When I stand with a wedding couple...

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