Participating in Gadna

By Max Nemoy, NFTY in Israel Participant, Bus 3

Last week our group separated into our preferred Chavaot. I chose to participate in Gadna and I can truly say that this experience changed me and my perspective of the IDF. I thought it would be very difficult and it more than exceeded that expectation. Push-ups were a common punishment for not standing properly in line or showing up late to meetings. The commanders and ranking officials demanded respect and were granted it by every cadet. I learned all about the IDF throughout the four days at the army base. On the third day we had a field training. This is where we learned what it’s like for soldiers in combat and how they adapt to their situations and surroundings. This day tested us mentally and physically. On the final day we had the opportunity to shoot a gun, using all of the skills we learned throughout the first three days. All in all I loved the experience of Gadna and the simulation of what it is like to be in the Israeli army. I do not plan on joining the Israeli or American army in my future, but the respect and deeper understanding I now have for soldiers in combat is life changing.