39 Teenagers – One Family

By Jolie Pressburger, NFTY in Israel Participant, Bus 2

One thing I’ve noticed as the days left of our Israel experience become numbered and our trip begins wrapping up, is how truly amazing it is that 39 teenagers from all different parts of the US and from all different walks of life came together this past month to form the most loving community that you wouldn’t think would be possible. I personally am joined on this trip by other campers, both first and second session, from my summer camp, GUCI. This trip is seen as time to bond the campers from both sessions as they continue on next summer back at camp. Without hesitation, my favorite part of this trip has been being here with all my friends, some I’ve known for years and some I’ve known for weeks, and exploring the beauty and culture of Israel with them by my side. I can admit it was hard for me to submerge myself into a new place with new foods, a new language, a new way of life, but the one thing that made it worth it every single second of every day was my friends that stood by me, that made me smile and laugh, knowing that I was going to remember my time here with them forever. The most beautiful part of it all is that outside of Israel, outside of camp, chances are I wouldn’t even know most of these people. Yet, here we are able to all bond over our common love of this remarkable country that I never want to leave. Four weeks ago I couldn’t have told you what this trip had in store for all of us, but looking back I can tell you that I can’t fathom it happening any other way. I walked into JFK airport knowing only a portion of my group and I go home with the comfort of knowing that I have 39 new friends, some that will be lifelong. Every single inside joke, meaningful moment, and breathtaking view I will forever remember and it makes me so happy that even though our time here in Israel is coming to an end, the friendships I’ve made here are far from over.